Reduce Panic ~ Amp Up Passion & Increase Immunity!

There are times when we are tested and can feel like we have no idea how to handle the current situation. 

It’s a bit hard to fathom that in 2020 we are literally feeling the Shock & Stress of Limitation … limited food supplies & limited freedom is in front of us, and this creates an inner fear of survival, which can lead to a feeling of panic.

Totally understandable, most of us have never experienced such a dramatic change in our lifestyle and living, and the shock of it can put us into a freeze, flight or fight energy. 

What can we do or learn that can help FREE ourselves and shift from this Surviving fear energy into a calmer thriving energy?

It’s going to take intention and focus to move through this storm, and perhaps learn some new skills, or incorporate more fully, past skills we have already learned.

One skill we have all know about is intentionally breathing deeply, and exhaling with sound.  This provides a re-set in our bodies from adrenaline, the fight/flight/freeze hormone, and oxytocin, our calm and connected hormone. 

It’s free to use all day long, yet are we practicing and using this skill?  You’ll notice when we stop for 1 minute, throughout the day, it actually does help.

Another question to explore is what simple natural foods and products are right in front of us that are provided by Mother Earth for us to use now?

Rather than boxed food, is there dandelion greens, berries on bushes, or herbs growing right outside your doorstep?  These foods from nature provide far more minerals and nutrients than we can ever receive from a store bought food.  

Just something to consider, not out of stress and fear, but how about from a place of curiosity?

How can you Feel different in the midst of chaos?

What do You need to feel more calm and connected, within yourself so you can Overflow that energy to others?

Being in lock down situations certainly puts our life patterns in our face, and perhaps shows us what needs to change! 

What do you really want if you were given a blank page today and a fresh start wasn’t only possible, but was actually probable?

Yes, choose to enjoy your time off, you’ve already heard this so I won’t repeat it.  Yet there are many of you who are waking up to the fact that  there are things YOU really value in life.   

And perhaps there are changes You are starting to see….

that need to change.

There is always a silver lining, we are heading towards our destined destination, and yet it doesn’t look so pretty in this moment.

Yet that’s OK ~ It really is going to Be OK.

Awakening isn’t pretty!  It’s usually quite mucky, murcky and yucky at first.  Trust me, I’ve been there and am still doing “that” awakening process, and it takes strength and guts to acknowledge, everything hasn’t been as it seems.   

What positive outcomes can be created, what new way of living is calling us forward?  These are tough questions, and yet

You were Born for these times, You were born to Be Free,

and You have the inner strength to move through the changes and offer your piece of the puzzle. 

IN this moment of now,  I feel the silver lining is …  instead of dieing, we are still Living and actually Bringing more of Heaven’s Love and Light … back to Earth.   

Remember to Breathe, look up to the sun and stars, and know, we can only walk this path, One day at a time.

There is so much to say, so much to do, so much to change, and maybe … so much not to say, so much not to do, is that the change you are feeling?

Everything is the Opposite of what it appears to be … and …

Nothing is the Opposite of what it appears to be.  Does that rattle your brain? 

Great, so whatever is Uncomfortable for you, is quite likely the change that is being asked of you, from within you.

Stay strong, and Be light.

I feel honored and Blessed to be on this journey with you.

Together we are  Re-Birthing our New Earth.

Thank you for being here, and may you Be Blessed to-day. 

Annette ~ Your Conscious Cowgirl Coach & Guide





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